Hugo Front Matter

Hugo allows you to add front matter in yaml, toml, or json to your content files.

Front matter allows you to keep metadata attached to an instance of a content type—i.e., embedded inside a content file—and is one of the many features that gives Hugo its strength.


Front Matter Variables

There are a few predefined variables that Hugo is aware of. See Page Variables for how to call many of these predefined variables in your templates.

You can add fields to your front matter arbitrarily to meet your needs. These user-defined key-values are placed into a single .Params variable for use in your templates.

Any node or section can pass down to descendants a set of Front Matter values as long as defined underneath the reserved cascade Front Matter key.

Order Content Through Front Matter

You can assign content-specific weight in the front matter of your content. These values are especially useful for ordering in list views. You can use weight for ordering of content and the convention of _weight for ordering content within a taxonomy. See Ordering and Grouping Hugo Lists to see how weight can be used to organize your content in list views.

Draft Post

if true, the content will not be rendered unless the --buildDrafts flag is passed to the hugo command.

Note: This page has the draft front matter variable with value true, so it will not be rendered in production.